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Innovative business models for wind power integration using the flexibility of demand response

L. Simons, P. Frías, T. Gómez, V. Cascio, P. Bellucci

International Colloquium on «Large Wind-Power Plants: Interaction, Control and Integration» - WINDFARMS 2017, Madrid (España). 31 mayo - 02 junio 2017

Energy from renewable resources is clearly central in the European power sector, and the European Commission is adapting the regulation framework to support its growth in a stable and secure way. Moreover, the high penetration of wind energy in the electricity system has changed the generation mix, where conventional generation is now frequently called to balance energy supply and demand. This paper describes innovative business models for wind power making use of load flexibility to facilitate the integration of wind energy paving the way to new actions to support development of wind energy. To assess the economic viability of the business models, the regulatory frameworks in Italy and Belgium are analysed to see which barriers are still in place to avoid a wide implementation of these business models.

Palabras clave: Wind Energy, Demand Flexibility, Business Models

Fecha de publicación: mayo 2017.

Simons, L., Frías, P., Gómez, T., Cascio, V., Bellucci, P., Innovative business models for wind power integration using the flexibility of demand response, International Colloquium on «Large Wind-Power Plants: Interaction, Control and Integration» - WINDFARMS 2017, Madrid (España). 31 mayo - 02 junio 2017.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Green Energy Integration


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